New Prescriptions

Do you have a new prescription for PrEP? The Village Pharmacy is super-convenient, confidential and we always have PrEP in stock. We're committed to making it easy for you to get your prescription fast, and in the way that suits you best.

Getting a new prescription at The Village Pharmacy

If you have received a new prescription and you'd like to get it filled at The Village Pharmacy, you can get it to us in any of these ways:

  • Bring in your prescription directly to The Village Pharmacy. We'll fill it for you on the spot, or
  • When you're at your doctor's office, have them fax or email the prescription directly to The Village Pharmacy, or
  • Download and use the free app for The Village Pharmacy to send in your new prescription and schedule a pickup time, or
  • Take a photo of your prescription and email it to along with your name and contact information.

When you come in to pickup your prescription, please remember to bring your Pay Direct card, or other insurance information.

Once we fill your first prescription at The Village Pharmacy, we can get you setup for free delivery, so you'll get PrEP delivered to your home or office each time your refills are due. 

Learn more about The Village Pharmacy and what we do.

We look forward to seeing you soon.